
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Step upper

Looking back at the last year and a half, I am truly blessed to be able to call CF my second home. It hasn't been an easy ride, having to put God first in the midst of uni responsibilities and family; and having to work with a committee of people with different views and spiritual walks. It was also challenging meeting people from different denominations and theological stands, and I gotta admit it did shake my faith quite a bit.

Nevertheless, CF humbled me to ask the difficult questions, and steered me back to the Word and the Holy Spirit. I had amazing fellow committee members and advisors who did not judge me for my doubts and questions, but challenged me to continue wrestling with God in understanding who He is as both a Father and sovereign Lord. They have been great people of accountability and genuine love, unbeknownst to me.

Honestly though, every TUCF-ian I have encountered in this journey has been a real blessing as they have enriched my life with their presence and encouraged me with their testimonies. As I step upper and pass on the baton to the next secretary, I truly hope CF will continue to be FAMILY to everyone who steps into D8.14 (or anywhere), just as it has been for me, by the grace of God.

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