
Sunday, May 4, 2014

Heehee (literally)

Dear Hee Sung,

I hope you liked the surprise we all threw you, and that you liked the harmonica all of us helped chip in to get you. I hope God will inspire you to use this harmonica to bless others with your musical talent, and in turn, glorify the name of Jesus. May you continue to walk with the Lord in the pursuit of holiness and allow Him to use you for greater things.

Now, onto the personal and soppy stuff (bear with me!). Firstly, I'd really like to thank you for being my friend. I thank you for listening to me, since the first semester when everything was novel to me and when I was attached to someone, and I thank you that you have continued to be a good listener even now as I've grown from that naive person into the somewhat progressed person I am now. Your advice and your time has been invaluable, and there is no way I can return you this favor, even if I were to monetarily do so. I don't know many people who are good listeners or any who are willing to engage in frivolous debates about the most petty things to more serious issues; but you are one of those rare people - so know that you have a special place in my life.

Your loyalty to your church and to the CF has really inspired me and taught me a great life lesson. At first I couldn't empathize with why you were running around, juggling church duties and CF responsibilities, but eventually when I was placed in the same shoes as you were, I understood what you were going through. I probably won't know what else you might have undertaken during your time here, but I respect and honor your commitment and sacrifice for God. It has encouraged me to be committed to the ministry as well, and not to give up even when things get rough. Nevertheless Hee Sung, let not your zeal overwhelm you to the extent that you do not spend time dwelling in His word and spending time just talking to the Lord. As much as we'd like to please God and leave a legacy, all of this would be in vain if the core of our faith, which is our relationship with God, is not present. So please, do take a break every once in a while and ponder upon what God is speaking to you, and just rest in His love. Other than that, you're doing great in the realm of faith and endurance, and I hope you will continue to remain just as enthusiastic and committed to the Lord!

I believe our friendship has been sanctioned by God, even before we knew each other. Frankly, I never intended to attend CF when I first entered Taylor's. I didn't have any Christian friends I knew, and I was afraid to go there alone. I think I found out you were a Christian after I added you on Facebook after knowing you from Calculus class, and then I asked if you attended CF after History class. You said you did, and then we went to CF together. I believe God placed you in two of my classes, just to make sure I attended CF. Of course consecutively it was my decision to make, but I know that if I hadn't known you I probably would not have gone. After all, we are from different majors and our paths may not have crossed so easily, but it did anyway. I may not know fully what He had in mine, but there is no mistake that this is divine intervention. I'm glad that I had the opportunity to serve with you, and it has been a fruitful endeavor, my comrade in Christ.

I'm truly sorry if there was anything I may have said or done that brought offense to you. Please forgive me if I have done so. I am also sorry for all the presuppositions I have made of you and against you, for I know not to judge another sibling in Christ now. God has shown me what a good work you have done, and the seeds you have sown into the lives of some of our mutual friends, like Fu Ern, Ming, Eden and others. I hope that you will continue to be the same kickass gardener you are now in the field of God's harvest, even when you are in the U.S. Only He knows the AMAZING plans He has for you. Again, I hope you can forgive me for ever judging you, and know that I have forgiven you to in any event you have caused offense to me.

I could go on and on, but I will spare you from the wrath of my long-winded writing. I barely write letters to people, but when I do, I present it to the people who have had an effect on my life. And you are one of them! Yes, Daniel Kim Hee Sung, you have! I wish you all the best in everything that you do, and I ask that Christ be the center of it all in your life. May you grow more and more in Him and attain the full extent of the Fruits of the Spirit. Hopefully we will meet again someday, be it in the U.S., South Korea or even in Malaysia. Anyhow, there's always Facebook so let's keep in touch aite? I'll miss you a lot when you're not around in the next half of the year!

Sincerely with love,
Vivian Teoh :)

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