
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Nuggets : Debunked

In this post, I will proceed to describe what  I have learned today in a few points (in my extreme state of tiredness).

1. Not all guys are blatantly inconsiderate and lack tactfulness.

Today, I witnessed one of my closer college friends as well as my PASS class leader express their concern for me when I was on the verge of breaking down, about an hour before the History debate. I don't think they'll ever see this but all I gotta say is, thanks guys. I appreciate it, big time.

2. Getting a good grade this semester isn't completely hopeless after all.

If anything, I'm doing far much better than I'd anticipated myself. Honestly, highest in class for mass comm?! Praise the Lord!

3. My History lecturer/academic adviser is a lazy bum, occasionally.

I made an appointment via e-mail in the most formal manner possible, carefully stating the date and time, as well as the agenda for the appointment but all I received for a reply was, "Yep that's fine." Shweet.

4. Bible/Scriptural study in CF is the most intense and thought provoking endeavor on the face of this earth.

Pretty self-explanatory.

5. I am not the only devoted partaker of world history.

Today, I found another soul who's as passionate as I am for humanities, in an ocean of mathematical and scientific hobbyists. An acquaintance I made today professed his love for history so yay, I'm no longer that solitary, weird kiddo who loves reading up on fossils and dead figures. Heh.

I'll add more to the list once I manage to think of more.

But for now, SLEEP.

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