
Sunday, January 13, 2013

New Year Resolutions : 2013

I know I've jumped on the bandwagon a little later than most people, but hey, I got it done anyway. So here it is.

To spend more time with God and in building my spiritual life
To pen down more scriptures, prayers, little nuggets of spiritual insight and testimonies throughout the year
To seize all negative notions and thoughts and discard them immediately
To treat everyone equally with kindness and compassion
To give every single person, regardless who and what they've done (including my parents) the benefit of the doubt
To be more outspoken, and be unafraid to make mistakes
To be more courageous, in the midst of affliction and to not to give in to fear
To actually study and achieve a good CGPA in my pre-university course (For now... I'll ace the Dean's List and graduate with First Class Honors eventually :P)
To master Photoshop and increase my knowledge on technology and gadgetry
To start taking up photography again
To write more, for pleasure or for work and for better, or for worse (Okay, this is getting a little pulpit declamatory. Heh.)
To read more and learn from the works I delve into, both fact and fiction, for the better.
To frequent the use of euphemism in order to stop mouthing profanities
To become more thrifty in my finances

These are the few things I want to achieve this year. I haven't been very specific, I do realise, but I'm sure the Holy Spirit will guide me as I go along. I certainly hope that when the end of the year does come by, I will be able to reflect on this list of resolutions and take pride in successfully achieving most of them, if not all.

I'm pretty sure the first thing on the list has to be checked first before I will be able to attempt the following items on the list. And therefore, I shall.

Here's to 2013. Cheers.

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