
Friday, March 8, 2013

Life's too short

Yes, life's too short to have bad wine, but you gotta admit - there's more to life than getting wasted.

So hello again readers! I'm pretty delighted to be able to address real, concrete readers of my blog and not just random unique hits from different parts of the world via search engine for the first time ever. At the risk of sounding technical, it seems rather uncanny how the amount of hits on my blog increased from what was a stagnate 50 hits over a year ago into a staggering 720 hits today. I'm still not sure how to react to it though since larger readership could only mean a panel of eloquent critics judging my content and literary prowess or a society of cyber stalkers at the verge of attaining sufficient information in order to hunt me down and kill me, but I digress.

Anyway, this week has been one that was ensconced in mediocrity academically. I finally received the results to my Math quiz and I must say, I'm pretty satisfied with what I obtained since I expected worse. My inadvertent gratitude goes to my Korean course mate as well as my PASS Class leader, for they have been such devoted allies on my quest to conquer this beast they call Trigonometric Functions. However, the battle is far from over - I am still relying on their assistance in countering the attacks led by the gruesome Limits and Continuity towards my cerebral cortex. I have yet to completely fathom this enemy of mine, but I do believe that I will eventually prevail as long as I do not remain lackadaisical at heart and retain faith! Oh and by doing more Math. Sigh :(

While my Math quiz results proved to be less of a nuisance, the score for my English presentation was probably spawned by the Devil himself. As it was a group assignment, my group cohesively only managed to score a pathetic six and a half out of ten. Personally, I find that difficult to accept. Perhaps it is my ego that is preventing me from seeing my mistakes. Perhaps it is my ego that refuses to acknowledge my own folly. Or perhaps I have been overconfident for far too long that God has finally decided to intervene and put an end to my pride. But the fact still remains, I did not do well as I had hoped to. I guess the only consolation of the week was the compliment I received from my mass communications lecturer regarding my debating skills and the fact that we managed to finish our English assignment on time, so it wasn't too bad of a week either. Also, this entire week was campaigning week for our Student Union, but honestly I'd rather not go there since there really isn't much to comment on.

On a lighter note, I'm currently digging tracks by Darren Ashley from Busco. It's pretty amazing to see how far Malaysia has come in the music industry thanks to acts like Yuna, Caprice, Bunkface, Busco, Hujan, Seven Collar T-Shirt, Paperplane Pursuit, Kyoto Protocol and other bands I probably won't be able to finish listing. I still reminisce being twelve and listening to nonsensical crap produced by the local bands (excluding Pop Shuvit. They were pretty darn good, I guess) back then only to conclude that Malaysian music will always be as crappy as Malaysian football. But hey, fast forward six years to today and here I am embracing local electropop music and indie bands although football in Malaysia still remains a work in progress. Sound synergy is the exact word for it, I presume. All in all, I can only conclude that Youtube has proven not just as an effective tool for self-expression, but an avenue for marketing and sales as well. Gosh, I sound so business minded.

Overall, it was a decent week, I'd have to say. I'll give myself a score of 7.5/10 for productivity, since I managed to revise the first two chapters of History and one chapter of Mass Communications. Also, I treated myself to Vietnamese beef noodles and roasted milk tea (which by the way I forgot what it tasted like) so I guess that levels up my week from decent to awes-mazing, which by the way is not a word.

I don't know what the weekend will bring, but I'm assuming it will be the usual. My last driving lesson before my test on Tuesday, the second day of the acting workshop I signed up for this month and church on Sunday is on the activity list for the weekend. I honestly hope I will pass this driving test so I can finally start driving for real since I'm about to get a new car in a matter of weeks.

So there you go, my week in one post. Now if you'd excuse me, I'm going to catch up with my beloved tuxedo on a Friday night. I miss her to bits and I hope we'll meet up soon so we can go watch Lincoln together, embrace our inner philosophes/psychologists and laugh hysterically at intellectual jokes no one else except ourselves can comprehend.

Adios, amigos.

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